T and A Bee Farm
Pre Memorial Day Sale
5-25 thru 5-29
20 % OFF EVERYTHING in stock

Nucs, Queens, Woodenware,
Supplies, Medications...y
Check out our website for pricing
Supplies, Medications...
Go to website for pricing
CALL to order 256-810-4495
50% deposit required
Order must be picked up by appt. by June 3rd, 2022
Tell everyone you meet!!!
This is the first sale we have had on the entire stock and wont happen again this year!!
Please go to T and A Bee Farm Facebook page and leave a review!!
The review is where you see Home, About, Photos, Events, More
click more and you will see reviews! I will share the reviews to the main page! Add pictures if you can!
We have always prided our self on customer service!! That is never going to change!!
Not had a bad review yet but I know I can't please everyone. Good or bad I need your input; can' fix it if I don't know about it!! I've always been here for all of you night or day to answer questions or let you pick up bees and supplies I love talking bees and if you had any idea how much time is put in behind the scenes...... whew this is work!!! Wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!! I have been the hands on beekeeper but don't know all the answers! We will figure it out together!!!
Thank you for all your support!! I have the best customers!! You have not only supported me with your purchases but the fellow beekeeper that has checked on me, offered to help, referred other people to me, dropped a meal by or took me out, ..... you are what makes me continue to do what I do. I fell deeper in love with the bees in the last 6 months and love it!! Passionate over my bees!!!!
Buzzing On,
Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.