As spring is just around the corner it's time to prepare for your new bees!
Hopefully, you have been spending some time reading about beekeeping. Whether you are a future beekeeper or a veteran there is always something to learn. Joining a local bee club is an incredible route to learn more, find a mentor, and enjoy fellowship with others who share your interest. Likewise, taking a bee class or two is very informative. Classes usually give you a semi-hands-on experience with a chance to participate in a question and answer session.
If you are ready to take the plunge now is also time to determine what equipment you will need. There are many choices and it can become confusing but discussing the options with a knowledgeable beekeeper should be helpful. Questions you may have will range from 8 frame or 10 frame hives, deep or medium brood boxes, packages or Nucs, ...
Another decision to make is how many hives you would like to start with. We have always recommended starting with two hives. This provides you with a comparison of the two to know if one is lacking and possibly needing something. With two hives you have resources (eggs, brood, bees and feed) to assist a struggling hive.
T and A Bees is always here to help you discuss a plan for your new hobby. There's nothing I enjoy more than helping new beekeepers get a start to be successful.
Call T and A Bees @ 256-810-4495 for all your bee needs- bees, equipment, supplies, or classes!
Don't forget I have a class for February 11th in Belgreen, AL. Check our website page for more information.